
Why am I good at what I do?

The quick answer is because I stopped looking for perfection. Perfection doesn’t exist. I mean the absolute perfection since it is subjective and not objective. Something you find perfect, it will be not perfect for the other. Perfection is an opinion and everybody can think … Continue readingWhy am I good at what I do?

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Auditions de VSFS2018

Pourquoi j’aime autant les auditions de VSFS (Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show) ? Il y a un moment de l’année où les femmes les plus jolies de la planète se réunissent pour un entretien d’embauche. Evidemment, il y a des tenues qui ne convient pas tout à … Continue readingAuditions de VSFS2018

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Casting de VSFS 2018

¿Por qué me gusta tanto el casting de VSFS (Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show)? Hay un momento del año en la que las mujeres más bellas del mundo se reúnen para una entrevista de trabajo. Evidentemente, hay  conjuntos que no son del todo apropiados para una … Continue readingCasting de VSFS 2018

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VSFS Castings 2018

Why do I like VSFS (Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show) Castings? There is a moment of the year where some of the most beautiful girls of the planet are reunited for a job interview Evidently, some outfits are not very appropriate for a consulting firm job … Continue readingVSFS Castings 2018

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