8 tips to live better (applied at work)

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According to Valentín Fuster, spanish prestigious cardiologist and writer, we must take into account 4 ideas

– 4Ts who are how you mature personally

– 4As that are as how one transmits in the world that he lives

video in spanish

These ideas can be adapted perfectly in the working environment to have a better life.

The 4 Ts are the growth and internal development of a person. As how you grow personally, and how you face tasks at work.

Time to think: a time to think what the priorities are and to organize yourself. At the beginning of the day, it is necessary to take time to know the tasks that you will be carried out during the day and to organize according to it. If necessary, you can block time in your agenda, to avoid unnecessary meeting.

Talent: do what you really like, what gives you more and invest in that. Not all times you will do tasks that you like but you have to do it in the best way possible and put passion. If you like what you do, passion comes by itself.

Transmits positivity: be positive and have a positive attitude at work

Tutorial: listen to the opinion of others, they give you with ideas so that you can progress as a person, and they can also give you another perspective to do a task.

The 4 As are the image that a person transmits to the world. The image that you project with your work and how you will influence your work environment.

Positive attitude: you must have a positive attitude to overcome the barriers that are appearing, not to be afraid of new challenges.

Accept who you are: and do not compare yourself to the neighbor or measure your success with others or try to beat your partner.

Authenticity: be the same in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening according to the person you are. From the moment you enter the office until you leave, you have to be the same person and be as you are.

Altruism: the happiest people are the ones who give, not the ones who receive. Learn to help your colleagues when they have problems or ask for help.