7 rules that every consultant should follow

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Rule 1 – Be authentic: be yourself. Never stop being yourself, do not pretend to be someone you are not and accept yourself as you are with your strengths and weaknesses.

Rule 2 – Positive Mentality: Assume that others already love you as a person. By having a new client, having that positive attitude, you will be more comfortable with yourself, and you will have more confidence. You have to be careful with that attitude so as not to appear overbearing, you have to respect all the rules as a whole.

Rule 3 – Dress well: keep in mind your dress code, dress well and with excellence, appropriate clothes for the situation and for the client.

Rule 4 – Have a good posture: always have good posture, a straight and prominent posture: head up and straight posture. That shows dominion and authority. You are not in your house, but in the office.

Rule 5 – Always show respect: be courteous to everyone, to the client, to workmates.

Rule 6 – Never get drunk: it seems a joke, but yes, I have to name that rule. You have to be careful at lunch, after works with people at work because there is a risk of doing something stupid that you can regret, that can impact your image forever.

Rule 7 – Never dominate a conversation: listen to the opinion of others and be interested in the problems of the client, the situation to get all the information you need.